Monday, October 5, 2015

Warhammer: A Helping Friendly Guide

The greatest story ever told: the Lizardmen. 

The Old Ones (and the Slann) landed on this world, on a continent to the south eventually called Lustria. The Slann are corpulent, and unable to survive in the wild lands, so the Old Ones crafted servants from the local reptilian fauna. These are the Saurus, Skink, and Kroxigor.

There they sought to expand the jungle, their home. They resemble Meso-American cultures, i.e. Aztec, Mayan, Incan. They constructed giant temples. Inside temples are ship Old Ones left for them for the Lizardmen to leave the planet.

Slann look like large bloated sleeping frogs (or toads, whichever is more bulbous). However, they are the most powerfully magic(/psychic) race in Warhammer cannon, and what appears to be slumber is extreme meditation. Each Lizardman army is led by a Mage-Priest carried on their palanquin by the Saurus Temple Guard, and attended by Priest Skinks. The Mage-Priests are able to communicate psychically, to deliver orders to their generals, and also to share power from other Mage-Priests.

  • Lord Kroak - The very first Slann, and the baddest motherfucker. First leader of the first city, Itza, and was killed defending it, but don’t mind that, they bring his body and his skink as Relic Priests, and their souls fight.
  • Lord Mazdamundi - Oldest Extant Slann. Damn powerful. Rides a stegadon.
Slann are incredibly powerful, but they are incapable of the most basic physical activities due to their obscene form and their constant meditation. So the 
Old Ones created the Lizardmen from some random dinosaurs that happen to be laying around.  These are the Saurus, Skink, and Kroxigor.

Essentially immortal, Saurus constantly grow making their thorns and scales thicker and sharper. Strong, but can only use hand to hand weapons because they’re too stupid for anything else. They don't wear armor, but their skin is light armor.
  • Saurus Warrior - Walking weapons. Their hands, tails, mouths, spines are all lethal.
  • Temple Guard - Select Saurus warriors who carry the Slann's palanquin and guard him. These fanatics wear armor and carry halberds and shields.
  • Cold One Cavalry - Sauruses mounted on Cold Ones, who fight with spear and shield.
  • Albino Saurus - Albinism is Saurus is mark of the gods, and most likely denotes great warriors. The most famous is Gor-Rok, a Scar Veteran.
Skinks are much smarter and more nimble than Saurus, and are tasked with metalworking and secretarial work. They fight with blowpipes and javelins.

  • Skink Priest - Most intelligent of the Skink, born in their own spawning. Psychically attuned, they attend to Mage-Priests. Skinks are impatient. In battle, they are drones, as the Slann can see through the Skink’s senses. Skinks will occasionally take initiative, but really they just wait for Mage-Priests to deliver orders.
  • Skink Chief - One level under Skink Priest, Chiefs take orders from Priest and see them out. Chiefs are warriors, the right hands of Priests.
  • Chameleon Skink - Spies able to blend into scenery.
Kroxigor are giant Saurus, used for heavy manual labor and as shock troops in battle. Kroxigor units have their weapons chained to their hands, due to the Kroxigor proclivity to throwing down their weapons and attacking with bare hands.

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