Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Gamer Profile v2

With a new survey and a slightly altered question set, our target audience begins to focus in the rifle scope. Or rather, with a bit of focus, we can see how far off target our survey is.

Our game is looking for a young adult, 17 - 25, and a PC gamer. Roughly 30% of the respondents reached are in the ideal age range. This and gender are to be expected.

What's reassuring is to see that 55% of all respondents primary hardware choice is PC. While we are only currently planning for a Steam release, Profile v2 shows us that Steam is is by far the preferred method (50%) of game sale, with Origin coming in second at 32% (which is clearly just a lie), and retail at 10%. Digital distribution is most ideal in our case, as physical products need not be created, keeping costs down.

What I found most interesting was:

Frankly, I expected the percentage of people who flat out don't buy DLC would be much higher, but a vast majority of respondents either buy all DLC or some DLC. Our current monetization model is based on a single-sale game purchase with additional DLC. The next question qualifies spending:

The two most populous groups surveyed either bought the maximum amount of DLC or the minimum. While 'I don't buy DLC' polled third, 87% of the survey was spending at least some money. This is heartening, but the fact remains that DLC is not a day one strategy. Day one DLC is a fantastic way to draw the ire of a cross-section of gamers, and also give the impression that content was intentionally carved out of the full experience and sold on the side.

Friday, September 26, 2014

FPS Part 1.5

Just recently, we added a static GUI crosshair in the middle of the screen. But what if we wanted to put the gun down, and then lift it to iron sight aim like every fucking game made after 2000? Well, I'm not sure I have the finesse to make this work in a practical sense, but let me speculate for a moment.

So we've got our GUI:

var crosshairTexture : Texture2D;
var position : Rect;

function Start()
        position = Rect( ( Screen.width - crosshairTexture.width ) / 2

                       ( Screen.height - crosshairTexture.height ) / 2
                     crosshairTexture.widthcrosshairTexture.height );

function OnGUI()

We want to add a button command, which means it needs to go in an Update() function, calling to the logic every frame.

var crosshairTexture : Texture2D;
var position : Rect;

ifInput.GetButtonDown"Aim1" ) ) 


function Start()
        position = Rect( ( Screen.width - crosshairTexture.width ) / 2

                       ( Screen.height - crosshairTexture.height ) / 2
                     crosshairTexture.widthcrosshairTexture.height );

function OnGUI()

...That's all I have on that for the moment...

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Chess: Dynamics

Why is Chess fun? Well, each side’s forces stretch across all eight rows, so there’s no option to go around or run away. There are only four rows between the starting Pawn positions and the average maximum attack range is 4.1 spaces; the only way is forward into the other charging army, and much like boxing, this is a challenge of punching and dodging. There’s strategies like in-boxing, rushing in with Pawns and larger pieces and using the close range to corner the opponent, hampering their ability to wind up a punch, or out-boxing, where pieces with ranged movements (Queens, Bishops, Rooks) speed back and forth across the board. Knights add an extra ‘oddness’ factor, jumping in and out and moving with a rhythm their own, like an uppercut coming from an unexpected angle. Each piece is its own punch, and the combinations and collaborations provide diversity enough to vary strategy, but not with so many complex rules that it becomes prohibitive. There are further mechanics which allow for more intricate circumstances, such as Castling (a maneuver reversing the places of one Rook and King) and En Passant capturing (an addition to the Pawn’s capture in very particular circumstances), but essentially, each piece has only one function, making them easy to use, understand, and anticipate.

An important feature to note is the balance, not only between the two opposing sides who, with the exception of White’s advantage first move, are fairly even, but amid each team’s pieces. There’s a great scale of abilities, from the Queen (the most powerful, but a lone facet), to the warrior class of Rooks, Knights, and Bishops (each with unique movement), to the Pawns, the lowliest of the pieces without the ability to attack in the direction it’s moving, causing them to often run into obstacles and trap themselves, but in exchange, Pawn promotion makes these pieces a vital asset. Surviving the five-or-six-move journey to the opposite side is no small feat, and the reward reflects the danger. Allowing the player to choose which piece expands the possibilities of strategy, although the choice of a Queen begs the question of why a player would want to choose either a Rook or a Bishop when they could have both abilities, but then again, this serves as an important reminder that ‘Good Strategy is not explicit in Good Design.’ Strategy is esoteric; the individual must discover it for themselves in a way that makes sense to them, and it cannot be foisted upon the unready. Thus, instructions should always explicitly state what a player CAN do, but never what a player SHOULD do.

Perhaps something could be added to the game by removing the player choice from the Pawn promotion. Based on the square the Pawn promotes from, the rank of the piece from the beginning set-up is what the Pawn becomes. Though there is a King square but no King choice, so we could relegate that to player choice.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

FPS, Part one.

In a new recurring segment, we'll be looking at the various mechanics of a First Person Shooter.

We start with (well, really an environment, but we'll skip that for now) our character controller and camera, which I've chosen to scale tiny, and allowing the hanger to now become a palace. This will of course require us to increase the run speed and jump height, as exploration shouldn't be tedious.

Here we see the character controller and camera (suspended in mid-air) in the enlarged hanger. And on the other side of the car, a basic GUI:

var crosshairTexture : Texture2D;
var position : Rect;

function Start()
        position = Rect( ( Screen.width - crosshairTexture.width ) / 2
Screen.height - crosshairTexture.height ) / 2crosshairTexture.widthcrosshairTexture.height );

function OnGUI()

We declare some variables, a 2D texture asset and a position, enter the function, establish the position as centering the width and height of the asset across the screen, another function to match the texture-object to the position, and...

...It's like we've killed something already.

What are those exploding missiles doing there? I hope I figure out a way to figure out how to explain those javascripts before our next episode of...

For My Eyes Only -or- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Blog.

Tire Swing

Pre-production is now underway for the Cops4Kidz browser based game.

The main goal of the game (and the 4Kidz & Community 501(c)(3)) is to create a friendly, constructive atmosphere with an underlying base of trust and camaraderie between law enforcement and the community. Thus, the main mechanic needs to help kids identify with and learn to utilize (and not fear) a variety of public servants. We want the player to be a child who has the agency to deal with community issues, but uses that ability to phone emergency services and summon the proper authorities. We don't want to encourage the child to attempt active participation in emergency situations, but rather that their best weapon against potential threat is assistance from friendly peace officers.

In order to best appeal to our key demographic, children aged 5 - 10, we're leaning towards a mini-game heavy experience, where a child's short attention span isn't overloaded with gratuitous mechanics or environment. The game will be framed on a small stretch of town, where each building along the way is an entrance to a different game event, the child summoning a civil servant to perform the necessary action and restore order to the town.

The current Cops 4 Kidz site is:

Monday, September 22, 2014

A small policy change.

Look, a lot of things have been said over the last couple days, and I want to take a moment to address one of the more pertinent ones: I am now Captain Friedman of the good ship Caliburn, and regardless of whether or not the team wants to adopt the moniker in a more formal sense, I will stand at the helm, CEOing the hell out of this boat.

Our current bearing is in a hack and slash direction with heavy RPG and exploration aspects. The plot involves a sacrificed priestess, brought back from the dead and given psychotic-berzerker-powers by the Aztec God Huitzilopochtli to slice and dice her way through invading Spanish armies and spill enough blood to bring the world into balance. I can see there being a heavy story focus, or perhaps just a rich background story, as there are questions of the odd intersections between violence, piety, and entertainment, but I think for any of that to work correctly, there's going to need to be a visceral, graphically violent combat system, and having framed those parameters up, let's look at our customer segments.

Our first Gamer Profile reached a vast majority of males, with around 50% being in the 14-17 age range.

While our profile doesn't clarify how our customer segment feels about our product, there are some very interesting trends, and Gamer Profile v2 will narrow our customer segment a bit.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Post Title Goes Here.

Before we can effectively write (or really conceive) programs, we must first understand the lexicon and schematics of the systems involved. Computers are complex machines that perform very simple and direct functions. We, as designers, visualize and design these functions, and attempt to tailor the program to best benefit the user. And that entails the most important aspect in all of game-dev-dom (and of war), knowing thy user.

Game mechanics are reflections of the users it aims to attract.