Monday, September 22, 2014

A small policy change.

Look, a lot of things have been said over the last couple days, and I want to take a moment to address one of the more pertinent ones: I am now Captain Friedman of the good ship Caliburn, and regardless of whether or not the team wants to adopt the moniker in a more formal sense, I will stand at the helm, CEOing the hell out of this boat.

Our current bearing is in a hack and slash direction with heavy RPG and exploration aspects. The plot involves a sacrificed priestess, brought back from the dead and given psychotic-berzerker-powers by the Aztec God Huitzilopochtli to slice and dice her way through invading Spanish armies and spill enough blood to bring the world into balance. I can see there being a heavy story focus, or perhaps just a rich background story, as there are questions of the odd intersections between violence, piety, and entertainment, but I think for any of that to work correctly, there's going to need to be a visceral, graphically violent combat system, and having framed those parameters up, let's look at our customer segments.

Our first Gamer Profile reached a vast majority of males, with around 50% being in the 14-17 age range.

While our profile doesn't clarify how our customer segment feels about our product, there are some very interesting trends, and Gamer Profile v2 will narrow our customer segment a bit.

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