Friday, September 4, 2015

No One Expects the Reck-quisition.

Let's take a look at our new project:
*Title-pending. This is a sci-fi 3rd-person multiplayer arena-fighter-brawler-shooter type joint. Each match is unique with ever-changing terrain and semi-customizable load-outs. Furthermore, we're hoping to pique the player's nostalgia for local multi-player, and using innovative mechanics and design, make the genre's Achilles shared-screen-space its strongest point. 

My first thought is whether the pun-title is good for the game. It immediately sets the tone as jocular, which may not be a good thing. What it does do well is establish the point of the game, the arena fighter-ness of it, 'wreak'. But in my estimation, the story is going to become more of an entity, and then the title needs to allude to Sci-Fi, and frankly, I don't feel like a pun works well there. Like, Wreak-nologic. Or...I can't think of any more.

How about Wreak-quiem. 

Meta Gear Wreaks.

Wreak Tech Resolver.

No, those are stupid.

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