Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Load-Out Out-Louder: 1.5

Perhaps I should be speaking in more concrete terms, i.e. the MVP customization numbers.

Two players ( J, K )
Armor choice ( A1, A2, A3 )
Weapon choice ( W1, W2, W3 )
Terrain choice ( T1, T2 )

J( A3, W2, T1 )
K( W1, T1, A2 )

I keep thinking about this video I watched about having to race in track lane eight.

I guess I'm not sure what I'm trying to instill with these mechanics. I suppose the game is to be fair, and round-to-round terrain and load-out customization is emphasized.

Players are constantly changing, trying to get better equipment, or looking for more appropriate equipment, or taking things from one another, or desperation, or boredom.

Let's try to envision the game loop. From CoD and 1v1 fighters, my instinct is that player preferences would come first. You choose your favorite weapon, and then background is an afterthought as it has no bearing on other mechanics. But Wreck-it Ball, I gather, is more artful than just grab your sidearm and ten paces. And the first question of battle is in terrain- where we fight is how we fight. So, in theory, we start with players trading terrain manipulations in one of three biome levels before getting player preferences on armor, weapon, and terrain. Then we have a semi-random distribution of resources and the fight begins.

Should you be able to switch equipment during the fight? I know one comes after.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Load-Out Out-Loud: 1

Each player has four equipment slots: Armor, Power, Melee Weapon, Ranged Weapon.
Each player selects one of three possible choices in each of the four categories.
Player's choices are mutually exclusive.

RandomNumber( x, 1, 100 )
    if( x = 1 )
        //player gets no selections
    else if( x => 2 && x =< 50 )
        //player gets one selection
        RandomNumber( w, 1, 4 )
            if( w = 1 )
                //player gets their selection of armor
            else if( w = 2 )
                //player gets their selection of power
            else if( w = 3 )
                //player gets their selection of melee
            else if( w = 4 )
                //player gets their selection of ranged

    else if( x => 51 && x =< 89 )
        //player gets two selections
        RandomNumber( q, 1, 6 )
            if( q = 1 )
                //player gets armor and power selections
            else if( q = 2 )
                //player gets armor and melee selections
            else if( q = 3 )
                //player gets armor and ranged selections
            else if( q = 4 )
                //player gets power and melee selections
            else if( q = 5 )
                //player gets power and ranged selections
            else if( q = 6 )
                //player gets melee and ranged selections

    else if( x => 90 && x =< 99 )
        //player gets three selections
        RandomNumber( r, 1, 4 )
            if( r = 1 )
                //player gets armor, power, and melee selections
            else if( r = 2 )
                //player gets armor, power, and ranged selections
            else if( r = 3 )
                //player gets armor, melee, and ranged selections
            else if( r = 4 )
                //player gets power, melee, and ranged selections

    else if( x = 100 )

        //player gets all four selections
I've wrote that with the favor of getting one or two choices awarded, but the situation still remains that one player could get all their choices and the other could get none. The issue, of course, arises when players know the choices of the other player or there is communication between players. The distribution might be random, but in emotional moments, this could be the straw the camel rage quits over.

For Magpies like me, an achievement would be enough to stymie immediate unpleasantness, and a David over Goliath achievement might even keep me invested in the outcome of the match. However, I've got a hunch that our target audience is more competitive and values victory over tchotchkes.

The most obvious solution would be to apply the first random-number, how many of the player's choices do they receive, to both players. Frankly, this feels insipid, like there could have been fun here. This is more of a gut-feeling, but hear me out.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Information Inspiration

So here's the rub, everyone is invisible except to themselves in their corners, and everyone is watching everyone. I've got this feeling that there's a key proprioception of player-machine-environment/group in this game that cannot be expressed through video or metaphor, and having not played, I will not be privy to it. What should be addressed, though, is the recontextualization of screen space and GUI. Where we once struggled not to peek, we are now straining with too much to watch.

With the shift of weight of Ownership within the game, balances must be found. With no player models or animations, the architecture is the main character. Each area is detailed and brightly colored with uniquely shaped and reflected features: complex, yet simple enough to be understood when viewed in periphery. Weapons are distinctive and simple- no counters, no ammo, just a paint job, a silhouette, and a trajectory(/projectile).

This is probably most what I imagine Wreck will be like. It's a 3D PvP arena fighter with two germane points. Jason had mentioned that the combat system is based on the two mouse buttons, but by each having their own rhythm, there are more than merely two attacks mapped to the mouse. Having not played I can only speculate, but I believe this is integral to the fun of the game, and makes it more 'Devil May Cry' and less 'Cookie Clicker'. The tactile, cerebral-motor feelings of playing a game matter, and indiscriminate clicking is only satisfying ephemerally.


Also, the environments. And I suppose I'm speaking in two senses: one, of the layout and design of the arenas, which are littered with obstacles, but more importantly, are never rectilinear. And two is Codebrush's deft use of color. Tints & shades, saturations, grayscales, alphas; every color has intent. In addition to the player's health gui, health is represented as intensity of saturation, and the player's avatar will grey with each hit. With no health, the screen becomes black & white. The feature is a satisfier, to be sure, but I'm quite delighted with it. 

It's a shooter, but with some very interesting terrain-manipulation mechanics. There's a gun which the player can use to manually pick a point on the ground, and either increase or decrease the height of the terrain. Additionally, there's a terrain grenade, which grows a pillar of earth where it lands. As the video shows, this can be used for combat, exploration, and problem-solving.

There's also a grenade which kind of creates a black hole, pulling enemies and environmental features into a whirling gyre, and then explodes.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Mother of All Ships

With all precincts reporting, presenting this year's Mothership brass:

William Breece

Ian Ehlers

Taylor Passow

Elizabeth Quinlan

Director of Media
Zachary D Friedman

Director of Projects
George (whose last-name remains a mystery to this day)

Garry Gaarer

Assistant positions have yet to be announced.

This year's goals include,

  • The Stormers, MATiC's first ever eSports team.
  • The 2nd Annual Zach Friedman Memorial Game Jam.
  • The acquisition of new tech for Game Club, MATiC's only game club.
We'll keep you up to date with more information as we get it. Tonight at eleven, eSports come to MATiC, and what your doctor might not be telling you about it. Ann Kittenplan reports with more.

No One Expects the Reck-quisition.

Let's take a look at our new project:
*Title-pending. This is a sci-fi 3rd-person multiplayer arena-fighter-brawler-shooter type joint. Each match is unique with ever-changing terrain and semi-customizable load-outs. Furthermore, we're hoping to pique the player's nostalgia for local multi-player, and using innovative mechanics and design, make the genre's Achilles shared-screen-space its strongest point. 

My first thought is whether the pun-title is good for the game. It immediately sets the tone as jocular, which may not be a good thing. What it does do well is establish the point of the game, the arena fighter-ness of it, 'wreak'. But in my estimation, the story is going to become more of an entity, and then the title needs to allude to Sci-Fi, and frankly, I don't feel like a pun works well there. Like, Wreak-nologic. Or...I can't think of any more.

How about Wreak-quiem. 

Meta Gear Wreaks.

Wreak Tech Resolver.

No, those are stupid.