Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Welcome to the seedy underbelly of city called Tetris- normally a city of right angles, where everything falls into place. But at night, under smoke hazed bar-lights, things aren't so simple.

TetrisNoir is a gritty, pulp reimagining of the beloved game Tetris. Here, completed rows go up in smoke, temporarily obscuring the next pieces, and the angle of the light changes. With some parts of the field in shadow, it's up to the detective in you to remember where things are.

How far are you willing to delve into the underworld?
TetrisNoir features three difficulty levels, which alter the available shapes and their colors.

Beat Cop
Beat Cop uses only the original set of tetrimos. They are all colored uniquely in grayscale.

Private Eye
At medium difficulty, five new tetrimos join the originals. The color of the pieces is evenly spread throughout the grayscale.

Only the strong or crazy venture to Hard-Boiled. In addition to the seven original tetrimos and the five new Private Eye tetrimos, five more tetrimos are introduced and the colors of the tetrimos and their mirrors are the same.

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