Thursday, May 21, 2015

(D.N.D.) I'm dynamite.

This is the first quest, giving the players a brief introduction to the world of BlackStar, and also introducing them to the first NPC, Sepret.

The adventure begins in the Triple Point Tavern, a low-key human district establishment.
Using the Human District Map (Southwest), place enemies in spaces indicated. The party will begin in the tavern (8).

With the adventurers in the bar, read:
It’s evening as the party enters the Triple Point tavern, where an odd aura hangs heavily around several drinking figures. The one at the far end of the bar is an older reptilian hybrid (Sepret), as evidenced by a bits of visible tail and greying scales. Behind the bar, the bartender is mechanically washing clean steins, only pausing briefly to fulfill the the duties of his office in punctuated clockwork motions.
At a table not far away, the two ales are accompanied by two Eldarian Guards, loudly and mirthily drinking with incongruous stone-faced expressions and tone. Their conversation suddenly becomes pointed upon the sudden discovery of the reptilian figure at the bar. The flat mockery is ignored but not unheard, and the lizard’s hands shake with fear, age, and now anger. Even as the Eldarians stand at his sides, upset his drink and spit flat Eldarin profanities at his cheek, Sepret shows stoic restraint. It’s only as the Eldarians turn to leave, the reptile let’s loose a single word just loud enough to be heard: children.
The Eldarians freeze, their senses returning, beginning with fury, as they reach for their swords. Sepret’s eyes race to anyone who will meet his glance as he pleads for a bystander’s aide.

Have each party member roll a Intelligence check, DC 17 for Psionics and DC 20 for non-Psionics.

If players are successful, read:
The ground is starting to shake. You reach out for the bar but it’s still and you realize the rumbling is a voice. It’s growing louder and it feels as though the ground could tear open. Neither Eldarian seem to notice it, and it’s impossible to discern whether Sepret hears it: it’s either the two indignant Eldarians or the sound of the world shattering which has shook him to his core. Nothing of this world, of this universe, or of this reality could be making it, and it certainly could not belong to Sepret, yet more than anyone else there, Sepret lies at its epicenter.

The voice’s language is bizarre and unintelligible, yet the meaning unmistakable: open.

So the players now see the lingering racial tensions. Additionally, they have met Sepret, and see he's an old man who can barely fend for himself.

The guards are drunk and disoriented, and thus have a disadvantage in initiative. Their first priority is the adventurers, and will only target Sepret should there be no-one left to protect him.

Sepret isn't giving out too much information. Most of it doesn't matter, Sepret doesn't have to be the one who tells them everything about the artefact.

Sepret is an elderly reptilian hybrid; his hands shake in anxiety, and only minorly in age.
Hello. “My name is Sepret. I’m sorry to have dragged you into this. It’s never good for one’s health interacting with the Eldarians, be it as friend or foe.”
Where are you going? “I must make it outside the walls of the city. It’s a task of grave importance, but I’m afraid this body won’t carry me to much further. Please help me escape DarkStar, for the good of all peoples.”
How do we get out of the city? “We’re nearer the east bridge, and the west one is always more heavily guarded anyway.”
What is that you’re carrying. “It’s nothing. Stay away from it- I must get it to the right people.”
Why should I help? “Please. I don’t have much to offer, but you may have it. Once we make it out, would be most grateful and able to compensate you in any form you see fit. But first we must make it out here.”


Each player engaged in combat earns 450XP, or enough to bring players to level 2.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Welcome to the seedy underbelly of city called Tetris- normally a city of right angles, where everything falls into place. But at night, under smoke hazed bar-lights, things aren't so simple.

TetrisNoir is a gritty, pulp reimagining of the beloved game Tetris. Here, completed rows go up in smoke, temporarily obscuring the next pieces, and the angle of the light changes. With some parts of the field in shadow, it's up to the detective in you to remember where things are.

How far are you willing to delve into the underworld?
TetrisNoir features three difficulty levels, which alter the available shapes and their colors.

Beat Cop
Beat Cop uses only the original set of tetrimos. They are all colored uniquely in grayscale.

Private Eye
At medium difficulty, five new tetrimos join the originals. The color of the pieces is evenly spread throughout the grayscale.

Only the strong or crazy venture to Hard-Boiled. In addition to the seven original tetrimos and the five new Private Eye tetrimos, five more tetrimos are introduced and the colors of the tetrimos and their mirrors are the same.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Fith Sun: Ashes to Ashes

Socrates was a criminal. Thales was an aviator. I am a priest.
Fifth Sun is born, buried, and here memorialized. Perhaps we should reflect upon why it lies so still before us.

Initially, I imagined it as a twin-stick, like Binding of Isaac. When I deferred on the control scheme, it was with the understanding that the game was still the same, but with the users hands in a slightly different place. This, truly, is the folly. There is no negotiation on vision- merely scope. And this I knew, yet my own fear of hubris kept me from fulfilling my office.
The powers, too, were compromised, but more as a product of uncertainty of ability. I believe this was inevitable, but only once.

There are several other issues, but more than anything else, when I am Product Owner, my will be done, and my game be made. I need to remember the one golden rule: "Fuck with my game, I spank you."