Our third gamer profile adapted some questions from previous questionnaires: here's some things we already knew.

We know that gamers are mostly male, with females making up roughly 49%. Our third survey was 94% males, and while that's certainly not ideal in finding out what female gamers want, there's a telling statistic that follows:
Without knowing precisely the amount of males and females who fall into each grouping, we can safely say that most gamers (73%) have no preference to the gender of the protagonist. One main concern was the use of a female protagonist in the game, which has the possibility of alienating male players. Luckily, we now know that only 18% of our audience is completely turned off at the thought of controlling a female.
We also know that our audience is PC gamers who use Steam to buy games. Our profile shows we are generally in the right area regarding hardware.
There was also a general fear that a game featuring excessive violence and bloodshed, even with a slightly older player, would limit the audience. But we can see from the survey that most people (98%) would not be bothered by a game based on gratuitous violence.
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