Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Mrs Mario: Player Testing

Player 1 - Enjoys platforming genre.
  • First instinct was to go for coins. Player then jumped on the large button, and then on a goomba.
  • Wasn't aware of wall-jump ability.
  • Our camera system is truly awful (but we knew this).
  • Player saw Yoshi and was immediately drawn to it. Wanted more interaction with Yoshi, be it riding Yoshi or just having Yoshi follow Mario around.
  • Player experimented with the moving platforms, climbing to the highest height.
  • On prompting the player on what they would like from the game:
    • Screenshots or some camera documentation mechanic.
    • Yoshi. A million times Yoshi.
    • Some sort of objective to drive their exploration in the environment.
  • The player encountered the push-able boxes and enjoyed moving them.
  • On prompting the player on their preferred camera positioning, they liked the option of being able to switch between 3rd and 1st person at their whim.

Player 2 - Game designer.
  • Immediately disliked the sprint button. Was accustomed to typical thumb-stick movement, with sprint and walk differentiated by thumb-stick angle.
  • Disliked the camera system. Wanted to be able to rotate the camera independently of Mario.
  • Found the key, but didn't lower the bridge. Tried to jump the gap.
  • Disliked not being able to walk backwards.
  • On prompting on what they would like:
    • Wants auto-run, but also wants Mario's top speed to be faster.
    • Would like to explore environment at different sizes, being a gigantic Mario towering over the landscape.
    • Was not particularly excited about a 1st person camera.
What did we learn?
  • Everybody loves Yoshi.
  • A 3rd person camera that a player can manually rotate when desired seems the consensus. A 1st person camera option might be nice for some players, but cannot be mandatory without alienating some players.
  • Players are generally skilled enough with modern controllers that a run button is extraneous. Their precision with the thumb-stick is more than adequate for platforming. 

Mrs. Mario: Assumptions

FRUSTRATORS What do people hate about 3D platforming.
  • Camera - This is always everyone's number one issue. The issue with cameras in games as a whole is that they don't allow players peripheral vision. While sound design and UI may try to compensate, they cannot bring the experience close enough to the Human feelings of awareness of our general vicinity.
  • Forced Gameplay Mechanics - Make things optional, don’t make them required.
  • Health System
  • Time Mechanics
  • Linear Structure
  • Tropes
  • Stamina
BASIC NEEDS What must exist in a functional, playable 3D platformer.
  • Tutorial - all games should teach the player how to play.
  • Character - we need an avatar in the 3D space.
  • Movement - we want to explore the 3D space.
  • Environmental Interaction - we want to interact with objects in the space.
  • UI -
  • Goal
  • Goomba
  • Controls
  • Power-ups
  • Physics
  • Puzzles
  • Sound
  • Animations
  • Menu
  • Push
SATISFIERS What would draw someone away from their favorite 3D platformer.
  • Save System - This could be checkpoints, auto-save, save-points, etc.
  • Pause - Core-gamers play at their own pace.
  • Checkpoints - Prevents players from getting bored going over the same environment.
  • Unique Platforms - Platforming is about jumping and landing. Unique platforms alter the landing part of the equation.
  • Mini Games
  • Gamepad
  • Music
  • Shells
  • Storyline
  • Keys
  • Pipes
  • Mini Map
  • Coins
  • Difficulties
DELIGHTERS The 'Shut-up and take my money' features.
  • Multi-Path - More than one solution to puzzles, and more than one way through a level.
  • Slow Time - A Max Payne-esque bullet time mechanic.
  • Time Trial - Requiring technical proficiency crossing space.
  • Stealth - Limiting player's movement based on rapidly changing fields.
  • Yoshi - Being able to ride Yoshi changes movement and combat mechanics.
  • Boss
  • Varied AI
  • Cutscenes
  • Alternate Characters
  • Kart
  • Underwater
  • Cookies
  • Sliding
  • Crouch
  • Boos
  • Rag Doll
  • Flying
  • Portal
  • Pikachu
  • Cannon
  • pvp
  • Climbing
  • Typing
  • Silhouette
  • Jet Pack
  • Note Block
  • Lerpz

Mrs. Mario

Mrs. Mario (yes, she is married) is an initiative to implement player feedback in iterative development. The team will be building a Mario 3D Platformer based on some initial assumptions, and then validating or pivoting to player interest.

but more like

Concept Document
Mrs. Mario
A bizarre 3D platformer

Brought to you by
127 Hominids
3D platforming is a staple in core gaming. Our goal is to question the assumptions that traditional platformers adhere to, and breathe life into the paradigm.

Game Atmosphere/"Feel"
The game should feel driving. You want to run around, you want to explore, you want to experiment. You do not want to stay put. Music is up tempo ragtime, think Mike Bloomfield ‘Bullet Rag’, Chet Atkins ‘Mainstreet Breakdown’, Earl Scruggs ‘Foggy Mountain Breakdown’, Sol Hoopii ‘12th Street Rag’. Think Fotoplayer, the greatest instrument conceivable.

Think Angry Sun level, think the levels in 2D where the left border of the screen moves right and you have to run.
Game Play/Game Modes
Camera System:
-In free roam, the camera will be behind the player, following them angled slightly down. This is the main camera that will be used for most the game.
-There will be certain areas where the camera should pull back, and show Mrs. Mario in context of a larger area.
-Some situations may call for a first person camera.

Left Stick: Movement
Right Stick: Camera
Left Bumper: Crouch (hold while not moving to crouch)
Right Bumper: Crouch (hold while not moving to crouch)
Left Trigger: Run (hold while moving to run)
Right Trigger: Run (hold while moving to run)
A: Jump
B: Fire
Y: First-person/third-person camera switch

Vertical Slice
Tutorial Level (Movement)

  • Jump/double jump/wall jump
Tutorial Level (Combat)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Warhammer: Save A Horse, Ride A Lizard





Cold One





Thunder Lizards

Warhammer: Warmacuahuitl

The Lizardmen are an ancient culture, created in Lustria by the Old Ones, where their culture mimicked Mesoamerican cultures. Our codex is bringing the Lizardmen from Warhammer Fantasy to Warhammer 40,000.

Frankly, I'm concerned that indigenous culture and sci-fi could be antithetical. We want to keep the strong Aztec aesthetic, but I'm having trouble imagining Aztechno.

For comparison, here's a Space Marine Dreadnought and Stormtalon Gunship.

Wreck-uisition: Private UIs

This is the layout of the combat UI:

  1. Health Meter
  2. Health EKG
  3. Player Hacks/Abilities
  4. Ammo/Charge Bar
  5. Time

Concept 2.5 (1).jpg

HEALTH (1, 2)
The health display is located in the upper left and lower right corners. There are two parts to the display, an integer number percentage, and an EKG graph.
The integer numbers correspond to the health percentage the player has remaining. These numbers are rendered in Black against the light grey background of the EKG.

The two EKGs are found in circles nestled in the upper left-hand and lower right-hand sides of the screen. The negative space between the rounded edge of the circle and the corner of the screen is added to the circle: this is where the health percentage numerals will go.

The EKG component will be located in the middle of the circle, with the numeric health display towards the corner of the screen. The background of the EKG is light grey, while the line is black. The waves on the graph will move more rapidly with higher peaks and lower troughs as the player decreases health. This requires some programming and animation. The cadence of the beeps is critical in its recognition as an EKG.

BLUE+EKG.jpgWhen the player is low on health, the black line of the EKG will turn red as the tempo increases and there’s the stereotypical EKG beep.
The EKG animation can be easily made by taking still frames and having Unity repeat these. This would require 3 or 4 different EKG graphs with varying wavelengths. These would all be colored black, except the largest wavelength, which would be red.

Each player will have access to several ‘hacks,’ non-weapon or armor equipment with mechanics that effect round play. These are displayed underneath the health module and the edge that defines the inner part of the health meter (the part closest to the center of the screen) will curve to include more space below it for a small icon and title. These assets are justified to the vertical edges of the screen (right and left). There is a possibility that a player may end up with a load-out that utilizes two hacks. In that case, the hacks are stacked vertically underneath the health GUI.

Ranged weapons require an ammo counter displaying available ammunition. Melee weapons will utilize this same space with a meter tracking the charge of an attack. This counter is located next to the health display, justified against the horizontal edge of the screen (either top or bottom). The background for the ammunition count is transparent, with black icons representing each round available. When the player has a melee weapon equipped, the asset then is used as a charge meter, showing how long before a player’s charged attack is available.

TIME (5)
While the matches have a specific time limit, only at the last thirty seconds will the time be shown. This will occur in the middle of the screen.

The color Gold will signify the light/day side (Foteezi), while the Scotathi dark/night side is Mauve. The two halves of the multiplayer split screen will have a ‘glowing’ effect, as if it were being back-lit with each of the colors.

RGB: (236, 211, 60)
Hex: #ecd33c
RGB: (176, 100, 126)
Hex: #b0647e
RGB: (153, 0, 0)
Hex: #990000


RGB: (255, 255, 255)
Hex: #
RGB: (161, 161, 161)
Hex: #a1a1a1


RGB: (81, 81, 81)
Hex: #515151

The font for all text purposes is Red Moon Rising (link).4de4abf63223214fb4137b231c25909b.png

Warhammer: Sweet Sweet Slann-tasy Baby

A little history. The Slann.

The Slann were the first of the Lizardmen, servants of the Old Ones. Their bodies are languid and bloated; it’s difficult to tell whether the Slann is sleeping or dead, but their minds are ever contemplating the world, and meditating on the nature of reality. Slann are powerful psykers, and are able to command their armies by will alone.

While many of the Lizardmen have taken to modern Wraithbone weaponry, the Slann refuse to stray from the traditions of their ancestors. The Mage-Priest palanquin is exactly as the ones the Slann of the first spawning sat upon, even if the Saurus Temple Guard who carry it now bear heavy ordnance.

Slann are the most intelligent and most psychic of all the races in existence. Legends tell of their feats of will, constructing cities, moving planets, and bending reality. These were the Mage-Priests of the Old Ones. In the beginning, the Old Ones brought forth five spawnings of Slann Mage-Priests, taught them rituals, their will, and war. A great catastrophe then separated Old One and Slann. The Lizardmen escaped the planet and begun anew. These Slann, still dedicated to the Old Ones and their will, found themselves on a planet far away from their ancestors.

These were the last Slann created by the Old Ones, and the Slann who learned to spawn without them. These Slann are long dead, and there are few preserved as Relic-Priests. Among them is Sotepoc, who was able to open the warp.

There are only eight Slann remaining of the eleventh spawning; these are the oldest extant Slann. Their power is beyond conception, and no living Lizardman has heard them speak; their will is transmitted psychically to all Slann.

The greatest generals of the Lizardmen are all of the twelfth spawning. These Mage-Priests have battled Chaos for thousands of years on end without so much as losing a unit.

The Slann of the eleventh spawning traveled to the Eldar Craftworld and learned their secrets of biogenesis. Lizardman legions would now have the power of the Eldar: Wraithbone.

The fourteenth spawning is the most recent of the Slann. These are the youngest, only twelve-thousand years old. Yet they have the knowledge of all Slann, given to them through the genetic psychic link, and are not to be underestimated.

There are three Slann Shamans, all of the eleventh spawning. These three Slann sit in silent meditation with the Relic-Priest Sotepoc, contemplating the will of the Old Ones.


While most Lizardman Relic-Priests are kept in hidden catacombs, Sotepoc sits in the hall with the elder Slann Shamans. His golden deathmask is inscrutable: eyes of precious stones stare unblinkingly. The left arm and leg of the mummy are cast in solid gold, symbolizing the parts of Sotepoc’s body unable to be recovered from the warp. Still, his devotion to the Old Ones is unwavering.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Warhammer: A Helping Friendly Guide

The greatest story ever told: the Lizardmen. 

The Old Ones (and the Slann) landed on this world, on a continent to the south eventually called Lustria. The Slann are corpulent, and unable to survive in the wild lands, so the Old Ones crafted servants from the local reptilian fauna. These are the Saurus, Skink, and Kroxigor.

There they sought to expand the jungle, their home. They resemble Meso-American cultures, i.e. Aztec, Mayan, Incan. They constructed giant temples. Inside temples are ship Old Ones left for them for the Lizardmen to leave the planet.

Slann look like large bloated sleeping frogs (or toads, whichever is more bulbous). However, they are the most powerfully magic(/psychic) race in Warhammer cannon, and what appears to be slumber is extreme meditation. Each Lizardman army is led by a Mage-Priest carried on their palanquin by the Saurus Temple Guard, and attended by Priest Skinks. The Mage-Priests are able to communicate psychically, to deliver orders to their generals, and also to share power from other Mage-Priests.

  • Lord Kroak - The very first Slann, and the baddest motherfucker. First leader of the first city, Itza, and was killed defending it, but don’t mind that, they bring his body and his skink as Relic Priests, and their souls fight.
  • Lord Mazdamundi - Oldest Extant Slann. Damn powerful. Rides a stegadon.
Slann are incredibly powerful, but they are incapable of the most basic physical activities due to their obscene form and their constant meditation. So the 
Old Ones created the Lizardmen from some random dinosaurs that happen to be laying around.  These are the Saurus, Skink, and Kroxigor.

Essentially immortal, Saurus constantly grow making their thorns and scales thicker and sharper. Strong, but can only use hand to hand weapons because they’re too stupid for anything else. They don't wear armor, but their skin is light armor.
  • Saurus Warrior - Walking weapons. Their hands, tails, mouths, spines are all lethal.
  • Temple Guard - Select Saurus warriors who carry the Slann's palanquin and guard him. These fanatics wear armor and carry halberds and shields.
  • Cold One Cavalry - Sauruses mounted on Cold Ones, who fight with spear and shield.
  • Albino Saurus - Albinism is Saurus is mark of the gods, and most likely denotes great warriors. The most famous is Gor-Rok, a Scar Veteran.
Skinks are much smarter and more nimble than Saurus, and are tasked with metalworking and secretarial work. They fight with blowpipes and javelins.

  • Skink Priest - Most intelligent of the Skink, born in their own spawning. Psychically attuned, they attend to Mage-Priests. Skinks are impatient. In battle, they are drones, as the Slann can see through the Skink’s senses. Skinks will occasionally take initiative, but really they just wait for Mage-Priests to deliver orders.
  • Skink Chief - One level under Skink Priest, Chiefs take orders from Priest and see them out. Chiefs are warriors, the right hands of Priests.
  • Chameleon Skink - Spies able to blend into scenery.
Kroxigor are giant Saurus, used for heavy manual labor and as shock troops in battle. Kroxigor units have their weapons chained to their hands, due to the Kroxigor proclivity to throwing down their weapons and attacking with bare hands.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Wreck-uistion: Decoy Ahoy

Players equipping the William Tell Armor will have the Decoy Ability. The idea began as a hunting decoy, that would run along a path, then take cover and fire at the enemy (although no damage would be done to the enemy by the Decoy). The player could hopefully use this opportunity to sneak up behind an enemy distracted by the Decoy. An addition mechanic was then added: while the Decoy is active, the player will be able to switch back and forth between the Player and the Player Decoy.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Warhammer: The First Taste is Always Free

WARHAMMER FANTASY does not concretely state what planet or world it takes place on; our mod would be the connecting link between the two (although that’s not our intention. I was casually noting the relationship between the two different narratives). In Fantasy, technology is medieval, and where there is psychic now, was then magic. 
The human Empire spans many allied kingdoms:
Kingdom of Kislev. Their emblem is a blue shield with lion’s head. Their specialty is heavy infantry which are beastly.
Empire of Middenheim. The capital of Middenland. Adept cavalry.
Empire of Nuln. In times past, a meteor struck what is now the Lower Empire, and in the crater, Talabheim was built- with giant walls to cement their defense. There was founded the School of Wizardry, which brought magic to Empire. With the best engineers, their tanks were powerful.
Vampire Counts. This one count made a deal and became vampire in secret, and levied an army of the undead. Empire is against them.
Brettonians. Humans not in the Empire, but an ally. Their mounted cavalry consisted of knights and squires.
Elves. Different kinds, but that’s a story for another time.